Wear parts check

Parts such as brakes, tires and windshield wipers are subject to wear. They should be checked regularly and replaced if necessary. Below we explain per category why this part is prone to wear and what needs to be replaced in some cases.

Which parts are prone to wear?


Parts such as brakes, tires and windshield wipers are subject to wear. They should be checked regularly and replaced if necessary. Below we explain per category why this part is prone to wear and what needs to be replaced in some cases.


Brakes and tires


An electric car is generally heavier than a petrol or diesel car. This has to do with the heavy battery pack. In addition, thanks to a higher power (the horsepower) electric cars can generally accelerate faster than fuel cars. This tempts many EV drivers to accelerate quickly, for example at a traffic light or intersection, more often than before. Due to all these factors, your car tires as well as your brake pads and discs can wear out faster than what you are used to from a petrol or diesel car. The type of driving style of the driver is therefore to a large extent decisive. The quieter it is, the longer the tires and brakes will last.


Windshield wipers


Just like with fuel-driven cars, the windscreen wipers also need to be replaced periodically with electric cars. This prevents dangerous situations such as poor visibility due to old and worn windshield wipers. In addition, windshield wipers that are too old can leave streaks on your car window. We recommend replacing the windshield wipers annually. If they wear out faster on your car, it is of course advisable to replace them more often.

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